Equoranda – 20 years already! – Episode 2

1st animation by Françoise Descleves and Pascale Demont - Equoranda

Well it happened so quickly! …this week, it’s been exactly 20 years since Françoise Descleves and Pascale Demont hosted their first session of training !

After all this time, we are still full of gratitude:

  • Thanks to Tanguy Deglise , for his renewed trust throughout the years!
  • Thanks to Lore International (and especially Gale Roanoake) for training us at such a good school
  • Thanks to Jérôme Doherty Bigara for sharing his experience throughout the sessions we co-facilitated together
  • Thank you to all the participants who really give meaning to our profession and whose feedback, learning and sharing have always helped us

This first experience forged and still forges the Equoranda adventure!

To be continued…

Date modified: February 15, 2024

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For your information: The information collected in this form is subject to computer processing by EQUORANDA for the purposes of managing relationships with its customers and prospects. In accordance with the “information technology and freedoms” law of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access, rectify and oppose information that concerns you, which you can exercise by writing to: EQUORANDA, 23 Avenue du Granier, 38240 Meylan/ or by e-mail at: info@www.equoranda.com/ or by telephone at: 09 75 27 17 20