✨ We encourage you to read this article on engagement first of all for the magnificent quote from Christian Bobin which concludes it.
❓ But also because the figure of 6% engagement employees in France ask us. We absolutely do not question the validity of the Gallup survey but we question the different perception of the engagement around us.
💬 We address, at the start of each session of training that we animate, the notion of engagement (as defined by Gallup) with our participants.
✅ Systematically, when we ask “In your opinion, what percentage of people are engaged in France?” », the announced number oscillates on average around 20/25%. (% stable over the sessions and over the years)
Understanding this gap in perception could offer avenues for developing engagement it seems to us.
➡️ Do you have the perception that only 6% of the employees around you are engaged ?
If not, what is your explanation for this discrepancy?